What is Treasure Hunter King?
Treasure Hunter King is an NFT based Treasure Hunting Game where winners are rewarded in Stablecoins!
*Treasure Hunts will be hosted twice a week on Discord
How the game works:
- A Random Movie Screenshot will be Cropped
(will be posted in Discord) - Clues to the Movie will be released
(in our Socials and Discord) - Find the Movie Screenshot!
(first to submit it on our Discord wins the Reward!)
Join our Discord and start Hunting Today!

How to Play
How to Play

Treasure Hunter King – How to Play?
1. Join our Discord ( Click Here )
2. Go to Discord Events Channel to get Date and Time of next Hunt.
3. Study the Cropped Movie Screenshot and Clues
4. Hunt for the Movie Screenshot!
5. Be the First to Find It and Claim your Reward!
Watch Video or Scroll Down for Gameplay Example

Treasure Hunt Gameplay Example

Treasure Hunt Terms:
A Movie Screenshot
Cropped Movie Screenshot
Clues that point to the Movie
Amount to be paid to the first person/team that finds and submit the Movie Screenshot
Sample Target

A Cropped Movie Screenshot (Target) will be dropped in our Discord to start a Treasure Hunt.
Rewards will be stated for each hunt.
i.e. Cat Statue Hunt – 20,000 USDC
*You can find the Date and Time of Treasure Hunts in our Discord Events Channel.
Sample Clues

Clues are found in our Discord and Social Media.
(Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube)
1. Picture Clue (Instagram):

2. Description Clue (TikTok):
“getting bored, you pick up a rock to throw. But this rock seems odd, there are some drawings on it. Looks like hieroglyphs.”
3. Description Clue (Twitter):
“so much sand”
4. Description Clue (Youtube):
“you feel a pull from the dowsing stick. you follow the direction of the pull. After a while, you arrive at the desert. There is a scorpion at your feet.”
5. Description Clue (Discord):
“the compass starts spinning rapidly, then stops. It does not seem to be pointing towards north anymore, but towards this huge rock with strange hair on it.”
Actual number of clues dropped will be more than the sample clues above.
Sample Treasure

Scene from the movie: The Scorpion King.
First person to send the above screenshot to the #reward-claims channel in our Discord together with their wallet address will win the reward for this hunt. (i.e. 20,000 USDC)
Read our Game Guide for more details.


They are naturally curious and sharp. Likes to rummage through things, climb trees, play with things. Finds 1 clue per hunt.

They see well in the dark and in the light. Flies silently to spy on things without detection, even in a crowd. Finds 1 clue per hunt.

They have poor eyesight, but very good sense of touch. They can feel the vibrations in the ground as they dig for clues and treasure. Finds 1 clue per hunt.

They have poor eyesight but make up for it with good sense of hearing and echolocation. Finds 1 clue per hunt.
All Races will get a new clue at the start of every Hunt, except for Camels, which will have a delay. But Camels can find an infinite number of clues compared to the others who only will find 1 during each hunt.

The most persistent and resilient in a hunt. They do not find clues as fast as the rest, but they find more than them as time passes.

Treasure Hunting Equipment

There are 3 types of Treasure Hunting Equipment - Tools, Comms, and Badges.

Tools used for Treasure Hunting, occasionally Hunters find additional clues while using them.

Communication Equipment. Mainly used for communication in event of emergency, but occasionally picks up additional clues in the form of random chatter or images.

Magic Badges not only acts as a decoration, but the magic crystals act as a communication line between magic guilds and the treasure hunters.
There are a total of 10 types of Tools and Comms each, and 5 types of Badges. Different items may randomly receive or find clues at different times and in different hunts.


Phase 1
- Game Design
- Art Design
- Treasure Hunt Gameplay Beta Test with Rewards
- Active Members Benefit Features
- Treasure Hunt Token NFT Introduction
- The Great Crypto Treasure Hunt Begins -
Phase 2
- Main NFTs Introduction
- OG Whitelist Mint
- OG Treasure Hunt - Hall of Fame Introduction
- Whitelist Mint
- Public Mint
- Vehicle and Special Equipment NFT Introduction -
Phase 3
- Treasure Hunter King Premium NFT (Heroes)
- Treasure Hunter King Youtube Program
- Branding Development
- Premium Brand Sponsorships and Collaboration Hunts
- Merchandise Store
- Country based Hunts -
Phase 4
- Advanced Treasure Hunt - TBC
- Treasure Hunter King Coin - TBC
- Treasure Hunter King Metaverse - TBC
- Other ideas to be discussed with Community

About the Founder

delocs is a Singapore based entrepreneur.
Inspired by his favorite manga/anime “One Piece”, he created Treasure Hunter King, an NFT based Treasure Hunting Game where players can take part in treasure hunting adventures for real rewards. The Game is designed such that players will be able to feel the thrill of a treasure hunting adventure on the go and encourages the forging of friendships for teamplay in the game.
“Some may say that the Adventure of a Treasure Hunt and the Friendships you forge along the way is the Treasure itself. They are important, but I believe a Real Adventure needs to have Real Rewards to have that sense of Joy and Completion when you find the Treasures that you seek.” – delocs
Founder will be Doxxed in our AMA in Discord.


Treasure Hunter King NFT will be built on the Ethereum network and listed on Opensea.
The Rewards will be released to winners on the Ethereum Blockchain, in USDC or DAI. If we find other stablecoins that we deem to be safe in the future, we may consider using them. The community may also vote on which stablecoins they prefer, just reach out to our friendly mods, and if the coin seems safe, we can vote to have it as one of the coins we use.
No. Treasure Hunts will continue perpetually as long as there are hunters who want to hunt. Phase 1 where character NFTs are sold has a cap on the number of characters and therefore limited. However, in Phase 2 and beyond, where hunts are based on event tokens and more, hunts can be limitless. The size of the hunts depends on the capacity and number of hunters.
50% of the sales will be allocated for rewards (or treasure pool) and distributed to the winners of the hunts. Instead of spending everything on marketing, we prefer to grow our community as organically as possible and allocate as much as we can to the treasure pool and to our community.
10,000 NFTs are allocated for this project. However, we may consider increasing to 20k or more if the community votes for it. The larger the amount of NFTs and Community, the higher the competition, but the more and greater the rewards pools.
Camels will continue dropping clues.
However, if nobody manages to find the treasure after a reasonable amount of time, the hunt may be classified as having a lost treasure, and the fate to be determined. Such fate includes either an increase in the treasure reward and hunt extended; treasure to be combined with other future hunts; a new hunt to be created for a same of treasure, or others to be determined.
No, mods will not be allowed to participate in the hunt. Even though they will not have access to the clan and equipment clues unless they have the respective NFTs, we do not want to have any potential issues regards to the fairness of the game.
Funds will only be controlled and released to winners of hunts by the founder to prevent any foul play.
THK is a project with a long-term horizon. Any foul play or not giving of rewards promised will be detrimental to the Founder, the Team and to the Community.
Winners will have to post the wallet address for rewards to be sent to, and transactions can be traced on the blockchain. If funds are not transferred, the community will know.
Founder will be doxxed by the project team and certain partnerships, influencers and KOLs that the project work with. He will also be doxxed by members in the discord AMA sessions.
In the event of discord or server issues/errors, the team will view all available evidence to determine the true winner. If there are any doubt in legitimacy of winner, or there are suspicion of foul play, the treasure for that hunt will not be released, and a new hunt of the same reward will be held to ensure fairness to all.
Post the uncropped image/screenshot together with your discord username(s), wallet address (and % distribution in the event of teams), your Treasure Hunters’ Numbers, and any comments/message for everyone (to be included in the hall of fame for the hunt, no profanities or un-sportsmanship elements allowed)
As long as the winner is determined (all necessary details and images are submitted, and the win is determined as legitimate, funds will be released within 7 days from winning)
In the event of teams, each wallet address, as well as the percentages to be distributed will need to be posted accordingly.

Contact Us

For Sponsorships, Collaborations, or Other Enquiries, please contact us at: [email protected]